What do you get when you take a photo every weekday for a year? A 1 1/2 minute video and a closet full of #ShirtCam.
In the realm of defense technology, cutting-edge innovations continue to reshape strategies and capabilities worldwide. This article delves into two remarkable laser systems: Israel’s rocket and missile defense mechanism, Iron Beam, and the Alan Parsons Project Moon Laser, a powerful weapon developed for lunar deployment.
During the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, Google searches surged with inquiries about eye pain, including “why do my eyes hurt after looking at the eclipse”? This article breaks down the searches and where they came from.
While only North America is represented in Major League Baseball (MLB), baseball is popular in many other countries. This article puts the world of baseball in perspective and compares the talent, the competitiveness, and the money earned by players in Major League Baseball teams versus teams in other countries. The Texas Rangers are Baseball “World” … Read more
A storybook about an old man and his bicycle. The illustrations were created with AI-powered image generator DALL-E 3 via ChatGPT 4.
Bard writes a blues song about the woes of SEOs in the age of generative search results. Image generated by DALL-E.
My 83-year-old neighbor lady uses her walker to take out the trash two or three times a day. Last night she saw me petting one of the neighborhood feral cats and she ripped me a new one.
#ShirtCam 2013 – The Movie Keep it buttoned up.